Underground Interviews MRR Ebook


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Underground Interview With Jonas Larsson:

Ewen: Hi Jonas, thanks so much for doing this interview for us, I’m sure you hardly give interviews if ever so we’re really glad to have you here. Can you tell us a little about yourself and your businesses?

Jonas: Well I’m Jonas Larsson, 39 years old, living in Ljungbyholm, Sweden – look it up 😉

I’ve been programming stuff since I was a teenager and I’ve been pumping out business ideas ever since I can remember.

In the last two years I have found the courage to actually do something with the ideas and the programming for myself.

The most successful venture – the one that is taking most of my time right now – is Instant Attention. You can click below to visit the site:

Other Details

– 5 Ebooks (PDF), 7 Pages
– Year Released/Circulated: 2008
– File Size: 1,417 KB

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