The Ebook Success Blueprint Mrr Ebook


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Table of Contents

Introduction ……………… 2
Disclaimer ……………… 3
Mindset ……………… 5
Science Of Getting Rich (Print out No.1) ……………… 7
Personal Statement (Print out No.2) ……………… 8
Internet Is The Way To Go ……………… 9
How To Decide What To Write About ……………… 11
Writing Your eBook ……………… 14
Creating Your eBook ……………… 17
Writing Your Sales Letter ……………… 19
Creating Your Website ……………… 25
Hosting And Domain Name ……………… 29
How To Price Your eBook ……………… 35
Marketing Your Website/Product ……………… 37
Advanced Techniques ……………… 45
Testing And Tracking ……………… 51
Summary ……………… 57

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This section is probably the most important section of all. “What the power is, I cannot say. All I know is that it exists…..and becomes available only when you are in that state of mind in which you know EXACTLY what you want…..and are fully determined not to quit until you get it.” Alexander Graham Bell.

You see, I am going to give you all the vital information you need to create and sell your own ebooks. However, if you don’t take action and use this information, then unfortunately you will never get what you ultimately dream of i.e financial freedom, jet-set lifestyle, huge mansion, fast cars, do I need to go on?

Let’s just say this to start of with:

Absolutely anything is possible if you set your mind to it and stay 100% focused and commited.

Read that again.

Don’t think this is some kind of B.S way to get you hyped up and the tired old think positive, think positive nonsense. The sooner you realise that it really is possible to get what you dream of, if you just stay focused and commited, the sooner you will start achieving your goals. (Please don’t be offended by my style of writing but it is vital to get this point across. You will learn that I tell it like it is. I’m not here to lead you down some fantasy path to hidden riches.)

You see, one of the main causes for not achieving your goals will be self sabotage. It is inevitable that there will be some problems on the way. It is human nature that your mind will take over and do all it can to make you avoid the pain of what these problems may cause. When your mind has you focusing on avoiding this potential pain, you have no focus at all on actually achieving what you are trying to achieve. Does this make sense?

In other words you will simply, unconsciously, throw away any chance you had of achieving your goals. So you must learn to control your doubts. I cannot stress enough, you must be 100% focused, fully commited and not let anything stand in your way.

Other Details

– Ebook (PDF), 57 Pages
– Salespage (HTML)
– Ecover (JPG)
– Year Released/Circulated: 2007
– File Size: 879 KB

License Details:

[Yes] Includes Reseller Website
[Yes] Can sell Master Resale Rights
[Yes] Can be added to paid membership sites
[Yes] Can be offered as a bonus to one other product
[Yes] Can be packaged
[NO] Can be offered through auction sites
[NO] Can be given away
[NO] Can be added to free membership sites
