How To Spot A Fraudulent Email Resale Rights Ebook


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In my travels around the internet marketing forums, I noticed a lot of people were having problems with emails they were receiving from places like Paypal, EBay and various online banks.

The amount of phishing that’s going on these days is almost incredible, what’s worse is that so few people are actually aware of it, so I sat myself down and wrote an article in the hopes of helping a few more people avoid being scammed.

Have YOU been receiving suspicious looking emails from Paypal, telling you that your account is about to be closed or limited due to suspicious activities being registered by their staff?

It’s definitely a phishing scam where people are out to fool you into giving them your info. Looking at the code, or headers will usually reveal anonymous urls, especially numbered ones, or urls that are definitely not pointing to paypal.

The 3 Dead Giveaways:

A). The email isn’t addressed to you personally, but says “Dear customer”. Paypal, and all other banks will always address you by name in their mails to you.

B). Ask around a bit, and you’ll hear of others who’ve had the exact same messages. This is because the phishing is going on in mass mailings to thousands of people at a time.

C). I don’t know about other email programs, but if you’re using Outlook Express, you can usually see the REAL website address by running your mouse over the one in the email. It`ll show up right at the bottom of your Outlook Express.

Another way to check is by checking the headers of the email. This is quite easy to do, although not many people seem to be aware of it. Read on for a quick step-by-step:

Other Details

– 1 Ebook (PDF), 7 Pages
– Year Released/Circulated: 2008
– File Size: 886 KB
