Forum Traffic Secrets Mrr Ebook


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First, you need to know that there’s no fluff in this report. If I can say something with two words, I never use three. It’s not about quantity: It’s about quality. The more someone goes on and on and ooooon about a subject, the less experienced he usually is. But I have written this manual in a “do this, do that, go here click that” manner. No time to waste.

As you read each section of this guide, note down the facts that are interesting and offer new knowledge to you. You can use a piece of paper, or even your computer’s “NotePad” (whatever you like best). That way, you will create a smaller “mini report” with all the highlights of the original report.

People remember only 10% of what they read. Most don’t remember what they had for lunch. This is especially true today (with the great amount of information we are trying to absorb). So, do the smart thing and take notes.

After you read the whole report once, you can then refer back to your “mini report” whenever you like. So, open a new text file right now (NotePad or Word or whatever). Or, take pen and paper and place it next to you. This is your financial future and your life we are talking about here. It’s in your best interest to read, understand, absorb and then USE this information.

I understand that people have varying degrees of expertise in online marketing. I will try to be detailed enough for the newcomers – but not so detailed that the more advanced users get bored. And I will include some of the stuff that will keep the really advanced “users” pretty damn happy too 🙂 . So, let’s get started!

I don’t want to write 30 pages doing an introduction. That’s what the other manuals do. Let’s just get to the good stuff, ok?

Forums are big authority sites that get tons of traffic and have many loyal members. Forget trying to build all that from scratch. Just tap into it! But you need to be respectful and not an ass, ok?

Posting on forums is a great way to make money. Sure, you could reach many of the same prospects with Search Engine Optimisation and Pay Per Click advertising – but we will use this alternative channel here.

Other Details

– Ebook (PDF), 16 Pages
– Salespage (HTML)
– Ecover (JPG)
– Year Released/Circulated: 2007
– File Size: 304 KB
