Fitting Exercise Into A Busy Schedule Personal Use Ebook


Table Of Contents

Section 1: Assessing Physical Damage and Accepting the Importance of Exercise………………..11
Lifespan and Physical Appearance………………….12
Assessing How Fit You Are………………….13
Turning You into a Fitness Buff!………………….15
Slowly but Surely…………………….16
Benefits of Exercise………………….16
MORE Benefits of Exercise!………………….17
Section 2: No Matter How Busy You Are, there are Ways You CAN Include Exercise……………….20
A Simple Exercise Program………………….22
Frequency and Intensity………………….23
Variety is the Spice of Life………………….24
Walk before you Run…………………….25
Time Management………………….26
Cubicle Fitness………………….27
Family Exercises………………….28
Chores Burn Calories!………………….29
Walk, don’t Drive!………………….29
Section 3: Busy Traveler? You Can Fit Exercise into your Trips!………………..30
Common Obstacles………………….31
Walk when on the Road………………….31
Fitness while Flying………………….32
A note about DVT………………….33
Important “to do” things when traveling………………..34
Working out with Friends………………….36
When there’s no Gym!………………….36
Section 4: Exercise Equipment “To Go”………………….41
More Portable Exercise Tools!………………….42
IMPORTANT NOTE: Buyer Beware!………………….43
Using a Pedometer………………….45
Always Carry…………………….45
Keep a Record!………………….46
Eating Fit!…………………..46
Section 5: Information/Resources for the Hurried and Harried…………………..48
Fitness-Friendly Hotels…………………..49
Fitness-Friendly Airports…………………50
Websites of Interest…………………..51

Sample Content Preview


Fit exercise into your busy schedule? That’s as absurd as saying that there are eight days in a week!

First, you’ve never exercised before or engaged regularly in a sport; second, you’ve never been into the fitness crowd and have had meager time for such pursuits, and third, you’re far too busy to even think of exercise.

In other words, YOU’RE JUST NOT INTO IT.

Of course your friends talk about it and rave about the latest fitness craze, but you’ve seen it too often: some of them are on the “on-again-off-again” treadmill / stair master mania, and you wonder why they haven’t shred the fat that they’re desperately still trying to hide.

Seeing what your friends go through and not seeing any results, you cling to the notion that your total lack of interest is justified.

You’re not the least bit inclined to engage in these circus-like contortions or do those mindless freestyle strokes in the water. That would only encroach into your already busy schedule of juggling family, home and career. These three combined – husband/children/work are your exercise.

Yup, we’ve got a problem.

That mindset is like a seething volcano that’s about to erupt. If you stubbornly cling to the notion that the “fat to trim” concept is merely a myth and a figment of the imagination of a handful of oddballs, your health could be going into “eruption mode” soon, like a restless volcano.

Have you looked at your body lately? Have you taken stock of your overall physical well-being?

Before tackling the idea of fitting exercise into your busy schedule, it might be better if we start with the concepts of self-assessment and then familiarize ourselves with the disease-prevention aspect of exercise.

Once you’ve accepted the fact that your body needs overhauling, and that exercise is good for your health – then we can talk about some of the ways that you can include exercise into your roller-coaster existence.

Other Details

– 1 Ebook (PDF), 54 Pages
– Year Released/Circulated: 2008
– File Size: 178 KB
