Article Marketing For Content Profit Resale Rights Ebook


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Table Of Contents

What an article is (and isn’t)……………………..6
Articles, Content, Visibility…Sales!…………….7
PART I: Generating Articles……………………..9
Chapter 1 – The Components of a Killer Article……………………10
Articles aren’t ads: Being informative and entertaining……………………..10
Stimulating your Muse: How to generate article ideas that get read……………………..12
If you don’t know…find out!………………….14
Writing the article text……………………..15
A note on article length……………………..17
Titles, Keywords and Links……………………..18
Titles that shout “Read Me Now!”…………18
Keywords—Use them, but don’t abuse them…………………19
Links within articles……………………..21
Bio, Disclaimer and Signature File…………..22
Your author bio: making you the expert……………………..22
The crucial signature file23
Warning: Thou shalt not steal my article……………………..24
Chapter 2 – Write or Buy? Paying for Professional Content……………………..25
The Pros……………………..25
Professional writers have experience……………………..25
Time: more precious than money…………26
The Credit Goes to You……………………..27
The Cons……………………..27
Additional Charges Apply…………………….27
Knowing Your Business……………………..28
Scam Alert: Not all “writers” are professionals……………….28
How to Evaluate Writers and Writing Services………………….29
Evaluate the website……………………..29
Ask for samples……………………..30
When cheaper is not better………………….31
Detecting plagiarism……………………..31
Free is not always good……………………..32
Directory of Writing Services…………………..33
PART II: Placing Articles……………………..34
Chapter 3 – Personal Websites………………….35
Magic Word #1: Content……………………..35
Content versus pages: Guess which one is more important?……………………..35
When content is not enough: building trust with your customers…………………36
Magic Word #2: Relevancy……………………..37
What’s relevant?……………………..37
Finding relevant topics……………………..38
Magic Word #3: Placement…………………….39
Headline news: Placing articles on your front page……………………..39
Creating a resource section…………………40
Holding back: why you shouldn’t post all your articles at once………………..41
Chapter 4 – Blogs……………..43
What in the World is a Blog?…………………..43
Using articles in blogs……………………..44
How to get your own blog……………………46
Promotion, BlogRolling and RSS Feeds……………………..47
Getting “in” with the blogosphere……………………..47
BlogRolling and RSS feeds………………….48
Other ways to promote your blog………….49
Guest Blogging……………………..50
Find your friends……………………..50
Consider chatting……………………..50
Chapter 5 – Ezines, Newsletters and Directories………………….52
Yes, You Need a Newsletter…………………..52
How to build a valuable newsletter that gets read…………..52
Formatting and delivering your newsletter…………………….53
Getting newsletter subscribers……………..56
Other People’s Newsletters: Getting Your Articles in Circulation…………………58
Finding a match……………………..58
Introducing: You……………………..59
Article Directories……………………..60
It’s good to give things away………………..60
A directory of article directories…………….61
PART III: Where the Money Comes In…………63
Chapter 6 – AdSense and Affiliate Programs.64
A Crash Course in Internet Affiliate Marketing…………………..64
Step 1: Locate complementary affiliate programs…………..65
Step 2: Contact your target affiliates……..65
Step 3: Set up affiliate links………………….66
Finding Your Niche……………………..67
Who are your customers?……………………68
Where do your customers go?……………..68
Using forums and groups…………………….69
AdSense: Getting Google to Pay You……………………..70
How AdSense Works……………………..71
Different articles, different AdSense……………………..72
AdSense and Blogs……………………..73
Chapter 7 – Submitting Articles: Where, When, How Often?….74
The Art of Article Directories……………………74
Poor quality articles…….74
The do’s and don’ts of article directories and announcement lists……………75
(Over)submitting to Search Engines……………………..78
Autosubmitting: Dozens of search engines, just one form……………………..78
Beyond the main page……………………..80
Maintenance: Shortcuts to Keeping Content Fresh……………81
Reduce, reuse and recycle………………….81
Rewriting and updating old content……………………..82
Focus on current events82
Conclusion: The Future of Article Marketing……………………..83
Table of Figures………………..85
Blog directories and search engines……..88
Newsletter announcement lists…………….89
Newsletter and e-zine directories………….92
Even more article directories……………….93
Article announcement lists…………………..97

Sample Content Preview


What an article is (and isn’t)

You have a website. You want traffic. Therefore, you need articles.

If someone says the word “article” to you, you might think of stories in magazines and newspapers. Unless, of course, you’re a serial grammarian, in which case you may picture a series of short words: a, an, the, and so on. In the interests of avoiding confusion (and assuaging the serial grammarians), all references to “articles” in this book should be assumed to mean this:

Article: A relatively short, informative piece of writing that conveys an idea or concept in a useful, interesting and/or entertaining manner.

Now, take a good look at that definition. There are several key words to help you determine what an article is. The word “informative” is perhaps the most important. Good articles let the reader walk away (or click away, as the case may be) knowing something they didn’t know before. People read articles expecting to either learn something or be entertained—preferably both.

Other Details

– 1 Ebook (PDF), 99 Pages
– 1 Salespage (HTML)
– Source Files
– Year Released/Circulated: 2008
– File Size: 3,706 KB

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