Adwords Power Tips Give Away Rights Ebook


Table Of Contents

Distribution License Information………………….. 5
Disclaimer………………….. 6
Sponsor Adverts………………….. 7
Introduction………………….. 8
Simple Advert Changes Can Cost You………….. 9
Google Algorithm Changes……………………. 10
………………….. 10
Delivery Issues………………….. 11
Recommendation:………………….. 11
Campaign Name Optimisation List……………… 12
Naming Schemes………………….. 12
Recommendation:………………….. 13
Campaign Setup Optimisations List……………..14
Separating Distribution Channels……………. 14
Recommendation:……………………………. 15
Disable Automatic Advert Optimisation….. 16
Valuable Intellectual Property……………. 17
Recommendation:………………….. 18
Adgroup Naming Schemes Optimisations List 19
Naming Schemes………………….. 19
Adgroups………………….. 19
Recommendation:……………………………. 19
Adgroup Keyword Match Inclusion………………….. 19
Optional Recommendation:……………….. 19
Adgroup Keyword Groupings ……………………. 20
Ad Group Keyword Grouping………………… 20
Recommendation:………………….. 20
The Single Adgroup…………………..21
Recommendation:……………………………. 22
Keyword Research…………………..23
How about Misspellings?…………………..25
Recommendation:………………….. 25
Secondary Keyword Use………………….. 26
Recommendation………………….. 26
Keywords Matching Optimisation List………… 27
Matching Options………………….. 27
Option 1: Broad Match……………………… 27
Option 2: Phrase match……………………… 28
Option 3: Exact match………………………..29
Option 4: Negative Match…………………..29
Negative Match Example……………………29
So which is the best matching options to use?…………………..31
Incorrect Matching Side Effects…………. 31
Correct Matching………………….. 32
Recommendation:………………….. 32
Adgroup Adverts Optimisation List………………….. 33
Split Testing Adverts………………….. 33
The Importance of Statistical Significance…………………. 34
What to change?…………………..35
Recommendation:………………….. 36
Domain Name Selection………………….. 37
Recommendation:………………….. 38
Bid Pricing Optimisation List…………………..39
Best Bid Positions…………………..39
What position for you?……………………….40
Recommendation:……………………………. 41
Conversion Analysis…………………..42
Step 1…………………..43
Step 2…………………..43
Step 3…………………..44
For example:………………….. 44
Google Tracking………………….. 44
Recommendation:………………….. 45
Split Testing…………………..46
Recommendation – So Important I say it again!:………………… 47
Landing Pages…………………..47
Recommendation:………………….. 47
Adwords Advert Exposure………………….. 48
Why Daily Budget Is Crucial…………………..48
What is Adsense?………………….. 54
Wrapping up………………….. 55
Questions?………………….. 55
Marketing Experts………………….. 56
Online Marketing Experts…………………..56
Offline Marketing Experts…………………..56
Affiliate Marketing………………….. 57
Traffic Generation…………………..57
List Building………………….. 58
Web Host………………….. 58
Split Testing…………………..58
Glossary………………….. 59

Sample Content Preview


Who is Tom O’Brien – the author of this eBook?

Tom O’Brien is a qualified Google Adwords Professional who has spent hundreds of hours managing Adwords campaigns. The information contained in this eBook represents some of the lesser known tidbits that will help you increase the power of your advertising pound. This eBook will help you maximize the return you get on your Google Adwords Campaigns. There’s a lot of work involved and in the longer term you may well want to engage some professional help.

As well as Google Adwords account management, Tom is working on a number of other Internet ventures including his main site:


My thanks to John Delavera for his invaluable insights on Internet Marketing in general and how to structure and present a viral eBook in particular.

My thanks to Renee Temple for the fantastic graphics on the “Grab A Coffee” eBook series – check out her site:

Other Details

– 1 Ebook (PDF), 58 Pages
– Year Released/Circulated: 2008
– File Size: 447 KB
