Guide To Healthy Eating MRR Ebook


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Table of Contents

Eating for a Healthier You 4
Variety – The Spice of Life 6
Foods Working Together 8
Planning Healthy Meals 10
Getting the Family Involved 11
Get Prepared 12
Eating for Maximum Nutrition 13
Healthy Snacks 15
Taking Your Lunch With You 16
Understanding Nutrition 19
Fats 20
Carbohydrates 22
Antioxidants 23
Choosing Low Fat and High Fiber Foods 26
Understanding Portion Sizes 29
Tips for Healthier Living 29
Tips for Choosing Fruits and Vegetables 30
Get Fishy in Your Diet 30

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Everyone knows that there is something that they could change in their life to become healthier. For most people, it’s getting more exercise and eating a healthier diet. But, how do you know if you are eating healthy or not? There are so many different diets and strategies on the market, how do you know what to do?

This eBook is designed to provide you with some basic guidelines to become a healthy eater as well as some tips on how to begin changing your eating habits. For example, breakfast is incredibly important and many people don’t give it its due. You need to eat breakfast to literally “break the fast.” Unfortunately, many people skip breakfast and they are so hungry by the time lunch comes around

Other Details

– 1 Ebook (PDF), 32 Pages
– 1 Salespage (HTML)
– Year Released/Circulated: 2007
– File Size: 273 KB

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