Blogging On Steroids MRR Ebook


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Functional Blogging

You’ve probably heard of steroids. They turn human beings into super machines. However, we won’t talk about what are the positive or negative effects of steroids on humans inside this report, we’re going to discuss about very advanced techniques of making your blog a money machine, working 24 hours a day for you only.

There are lots of blogging platforms (scripts) out there, and the only one I endorse and recommend, is WordPress. It can be downloaded for free at, and it’s one of those applications that emphasize the idea of “best things in life are free”. If you are already using wordpress, then you

“Blogging On Steroids”

probably know why I am recommending it, but if you don’t, I have one word for you: quality. So, take what’s best at the moment and put it to work for you. You won’t find anything as good as WordPress, so stop looking. Here is a list of features that I like about wordpress:

– it is extremely flexible: thanks to the plugins feature, WordPress can be turned into a site in seconds, and its functionality can vary depending on what plugins you are installing. Just a quick example of one of these plugins: Subscribe2 which allows you to subscribe people to your blog, and whenever you add a new article, your subscribers will get a message.f

Other Details

– 1 Ebook (PDF), 31 Pages
– 1 Salespage (HTML)
– Year Released/Circulated: 2007
– File Size: 410 KB

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