Marketing With Coupons MRR Ebook


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Table Of Contents

Introduction Guerilla Marketing Welcome
Section I – Getting Started With Coupon Marketing
Section II – How To Use Coupons In Your Marketing
Section III – Examples Of How Coupons Have Been Used
As A Marketing Tactic
Section IV – Creating Coupons
Section V- Advertising
Section VI- Resources
Section VII- Conclusion

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Getting Started With Coupon Marketing

Coupons can be used in just about every business. I’ve sat and thought and thought about it, but I can’t think of any business that coupons can’t be used in.

Coupons can be used to drive traffic to your site, reach new customers, entice past customers to purchase from you again, to sell big ticket items by offering a discount on them, to get customers to buy more from you, and so many other different ways.

Coupons can also create a “buzz” about your business. There are people who specialize in what is called “buzz marketing”. I’m sure you’ve buzzed about a product. Have you ever bought a product and been so delighted with it that you told your family and friends, or even complete strangers that were standing in the grocery isle next to you thinking about buying this product. Then you have “buzzed”. That’s exactly what coupons can do for your business. If you are offering a coupon for your product or service, and you get one happy customer you can bet they are going to tell others. This will set off a viral buzz that will bring more and more people to your business.

Are you starting to see how these coupons can be used in several different ways to create more income and/or prospects? Well then keep reading because I’ve got a lot more information about this super marketing tactic that’s really going to get you excited.

Now, I want you to take out a sheet of paper or open up your word processor and think of the products or services in your business that you could offer a discount on.

Here’s what my list looks like:

I could:

1. Offer a discount on my consulting services.
2. Offer a buy one get one free offer on advertising services I offer.
3. Offer a coupon for free stuff when someone joins one of my membership sites.
4. Offer a $X discount on my ebooks, and software.

Other Details

– 1 Ebook (PDF), 17 Pages
– 1 Salespage (HTML)
– Year Released/Circulated: 2008
– File Size: 588 KB

License Details:

[Yes] Includes Reseller Website
[Yes] Can sell Master Resale Rights
[Yes] Can be added to paid membership sites
[Yes] Can be offered as a bonus to one other product
[Yes] Can be packaged
[NO] Can be offered through auction sites
[NO] Can be given away
[NO] Can be added to free membership sites
