E-Business Planning Guide Personal Use Ebook


Table Of Contents

About Me……………………..6
How did I get here?……….7
The Commitment………………….7
Common Mistakes Made by New Marketers………………….10
Focus Stealers………………….10
The Hold Back………………….13
Getting caught up in paralysis analysis………………….14
Being the “Jack of all trades” and “The Master of None” ………………….15
Trying to make money in too many streams of income before you have mastered one………………….16
Are You A Windows Or A Dos Mind?………………….17
Listening to the opinions of all the gurus………………….21
Financially Speaking………………….26
Branding your business………………….29
My “virtual” brick and mortar structure………………….33
Incorporating my business………………33
Business Address………………….35
Business Bank Account………………….35
Record Keeping………………….35
Legally Speaking………………….36
Hardware and Software………………….38
Basic Equipment………………….38
Office Suite Software………………….39
PDF Software………………….39
Screen Capture/Video Software………………….39
FTP Software………………….40
Smart Type Assistant………………….43
Email Addresses………………….43
ZIP Software………………….44
Your Roles In Your Business………………….46
Registering Your Domain & Hosting Account…………………48
Choosing Your Business Name & Domain………………….48
Building Your Website………………….53
Payment Processors………………….54
Article Marketing………………….56
Affiliate Marketing………………….58
Niche Marketing………………….60
Your Ultimate Goal ~
Creating Your Own Products………………….62
Rely On People – Even Better, Get A Master For Your Answers………………….63

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The purpose of this eBook is to give you the real, unedited ‘no hold barred’ process of how to properly build your “virtual” brick and mortar internet business. I will dispel the hype and untruths about internet marketing so that you start on a level playing field and have a fair advantage. You know that money can be made in this business, but not like it has been portrayed. Gone are the days of sticking up a website and the money floodgates open up to you. People are leary and cautious of spending their money and being scammed. There’s a lot of competition and savvy consumers to contend with so you must be top of your game.

There is so much information available to you out on the net that I’m not gonna regurgitate that same information to you. I will attempt to recommend resources that are free; however, I might not be able to do that depending on the resource itself. I will only suggest resources that I think are reliable either through my own personal experience or through highly regarded people I know in this business.

In addition, here is something that you might as well get out your head now. You will have to spend some money and don’t let anyone fill your head up with the idea that you don’t. How much I can’t say because I don’t know your personal goals.

But I assure you that by the time you finish reading this book you will have a very good idea.

Other Details

– 1 Ebook (PDF), 67 Pages
– Year Released/Circulated: 2008
– File Size: 351 KB
