Organizing Internet Marketing Information Give Away Rights Ebook


Table Of Contents

1 Before We Begin…………………4
1.1 Get The Big Picture, And Get A Gift!………………… 4
1.2 Give Away This Guide And Make Money!………………… 6
1.3What To Expect from this Guide………………… 6
1.4 Brief Bio of the Author………………… 7
1.5 Note To IM Index Mind Map Owners………………… 8
2 Introduction………………… 9
2.1 How It All Started………………… 9
2.2 I Feel Your Pain!………………… 10
2.3 Get Organized – Get Empowered!………………… 11
2.4 See What I Mean………………… 11
3 Organizing Your Content………………… 12
3.1 Organizational Dimensions………………… 12
3.2 Organizational Principles – Introduction………………… 13
3.3 The Principles in Practice – Designing Your Folder Structure………………… 14
4 Design Decisions in the IM Index Mind Map………………… 18
4.1 Subject………………… 18
4.2 Type………………… 19
4.3 Source………………… 21
4.4 Author………………… 21
4.5 Rights………………… 21
4.6 Date………………… 23
5 Designing a Taxonomy of Internet Marketing…………….. 25
5.1 Introduction………………… 25
5.2 What Makes A Good Taxonomy?………………… 25
5.3 Granularity………………… 27
5.4 Structure………………… 28
5.5 Synonyms………………… 30
5.6 Cross References and Related Terms………………… 31
6 Content management processes………………… 33
6.1 Introduction………………… 33
6.2 Adding Content………………… 34
6.3 Using Content………………… 35
6.4 Archiving Content………………… 35
6.5 Deleting Content………………… 36

Sample Content Preview

1 Before We Begin…

1.1 Get The Big Picture, And Get A Gift!

Getting your IM downloads organized is just one part of improving the efficiency of your Internet Marketing operation.

To be successful in Internet Marketing you need to work smarter, not harder! That means being efficient, effective, organized and focused in all your activities.

The big mistake so many Internet Marketers make is that they think

Activity = Profit

Well, sometimes it is and sometimes it isn’t. More often than not:

Activity = your life wasting away with no visible results

The equation that you need to understand is:

Focussed, Efficient, Effective, Informed Activity = Profit

Think about it….. How many top earners do YOU know who are inefficient, ineffective, directionless, distracted or disorganized? None! They are all highly efficient and organized.

And many of them pay $400 per month to people such as Rich Schefren to get mentored on exactly that topic. If you can afford that fee (and if you can wait until there is a slot in Rich’s program), then I would recommend you sign up with him.

Other Details

– 1 Ebook (PDF), 36 Pages
– 2 Ecovers (GIF)
– Year Released/Circulated: 2008
– File Size: 267 KB
