Content Speed Writing Resale Rights Ebook


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There aren’t many people who don’t use some form of content in their online business. Whether it’s content for people to read on your site, articles to be submitted to directories, blog posts, ebooks, reports, courses… everyone writes stuff!

Fortunately for some but unfortunately for others, writing stuff is one of the few aspects of online business that can’t yet be completely automated. No software can do it and although we can hire writers to take the work off our hands, for various reasons (money, time, effectiveness) this often isn’t a feasible option. Not only that but even when it is, article writers often don’t know how to best write optimized web content and so the monetary results that are produced by our content production efforts can be thwarted.

The truth is that writing doesn’t come naturally to most people much less the writing of specifically optimized, compelling, flowing, informative content normally on subjects that we know nothing about! All these factors combine to ensure that hatred or at least a pang of dislike at the mention of article writing occurs within the minds many web business owners.

The critical factor in the process of writing content is time. While most of us don’t like writing content, we can say safely that if we sat down long enough and really worked at it we could bang out an article, an ebook chapter or a good blog post if necessary. The thing is that (as we all know) time is our most precious commodity and for most people the time it would take to write content usually isn’t worth the monetary return it will yield.

That’s about to change!

Other Details

– 2 Ebooks (PDF, DOC), 32 Pages
– Year Released/Circulated: 2008
– File Size: 195 KB

License Details:

[NO] Includes Salespage
[NO] Can be given away.
[no] Can be packaged.
[YES] Can be offered as a bonus.
[no] Can Be Edited Completely and Your Name Put on it.
[YES] Can be added to paid membership sites
[no] Can be used as web content
[no] Can be broken down into articles
[NO] Can be offered through auction sites without first significantly altering the content.
[yes] Can sell Resale Rights (provided the same terms are maintained)
[NO] Can sell Master Resale Rights
[NO] Can sell Private Label Rights
[YES] Can be used on all domains that you own
