7 Hypnosis Secrets MRR Ebook


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“Seven Hypnosis Secrets Guaranteed To Work”

The Miracle “Book Store Accident”

Before I reveal to you the seven secrets “primer,” I’d like to share with you a quick story about what qualifies me to tell you I can teach you hypnosis, and why you should take unconscious communication seriously. Then you’ll learn the seven secrets, then you’ll see another FREE unadvertised bonus report that follows.

So let’s get started…

To keep a long story as short as I can, I spent about 13 years stumbling around in a “no friends or lovers”-wasteland. But then, one night, while looking through a book store out of habit (I always feel compelled to “collect” information I’m interested in), I reached towards the shelf and started to read this “wacky” book. It was about a discipline called NLP or Neuro-Linguistic Programming.

Later did I come to realize, NLP was being used by Fortune 500 companies, and the military and top professional sports teams among others to dramatically improve performance in all sorts of areas.

But this is not what caught my attention in this subject. No. What made my head tilt was when I learned that by using NLP, you could take any human process, like wanting to “buy something” or even falling in love, and using skillful descriptions of these experiences, reinduce those experiences in the person to whom you were speaking, so they experienced them with YOU on the spot.

Well, at that time I had no deep desire to be a top professional sports player, and I wasn’t going to join the Air Force again. But right then and there, I began to wonder if I could use this stuff…

Other Details

– 1 Ebook (PDF)
– 1 Ecover (JPG)
– Year Released/Circulated: 2008
– File Size: 349 KB

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