Truth Behind Hypnosis MRR Ebook


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Table of Contents

T HE TRUTH BEHIND HYPNOSIS . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
U SING HYPNOSIS TO CHANGE YOUR LIFE . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
I NTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
C HAPTER 1 . . . . 5
W HY CONSIDER HYPNOSIS? . . . . . . . 5
Hypnosis: Inside and Out………….. 5
A Brief History of Hypnosis………..6
Hypnosis: What Is It?………………. 7
Common Hypnosis Myths Dispelled……………………………………………8
How to Use Hypnosis to Your Advantage…………………………………… 9
What Exactly IS Hypnosis?……… 10
Psychodynamic Theory & Philosophy……………………………………….12
The Science Behind Hypnosis……12
How it Works………………………… 13
Types of Hypnotic Induction……..13
The Difference Between Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy…………………13
C HAPTER 2 . . 1 6
U SES FOR HYPNOSIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 6
Weight Loss………………………….. 16
Improve Academic Performance. 17
Memory and Concentration Improvement………………………………….17
Use Hypnosis to Bring Yourself Better Health……………………………18
Eating Disorders…………………… 19
Sales Ability………………………….. 20
Anxiety…………………………………. 20
Smoking Cessation and Discontinuing Tobacco Use…………………..21
Pain Relief……………………………. 21
Other Uses for Hypnosis…………. 21
C HAPTER 3 . . 2 3
Who is a Candidate for Hypnosis?……………………………………………23
The Mystery Unveiled: What Does it Feel Like?…………………………23
What Are the Types of Hypnosis?24
Finding a Hypnotherapist ………..24
Self-Hypnosis Preparations………25
Being Successful at Self-Hypnosis…………………………………………….26
Making Hypnotic Suggestions Powerful…………………………………… 27
Becoming a Professional Hypnotist…………………………………………. 27
The Controversy Over Hypnotism……………………………………………. 28
What Happens if You Pick the Wrong Hypnotist…………………………28
Code of Ethics for Hypnotists……29
A Tool: The Psychosonic Rhythm30
Legal Disclaimer…………………… 30

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Hypnosis has been used for centuries as a treatment for pain relief that is both chronic and during operations. Today its use expands beyond just relief from pain to many other uses. There is, however, much controversy over the use of hypnosis in the medical world, even though repeated laboratory studies have shown hypnosis to be a valid and useful treatment.

As you will discover in this book, hypnosis is a powerful treatment that can be used to help cure many common problems such as smoking addiction, overeating and other eating disorders, phobias, and more. Treating these personal issues can help people live more meaningful and enjoyable lives. Many people have something in their lives they would like to change. Hypnosis might be the answer. Perhaps hypnosis can help you overcome a challenging part of your life that you have been struggling with for years. It is worth a try, right?

Other Details

– 1 Ebook (PDF), 31 Pages
– 1 Salespage (HTML)
– Year Released/Circulated: 2007
– File Size: 724 KB

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